PYP Sports Day – GIB Centre

On 23rd September, the PYP had a sports day at the GIB centre. The centre is home to many gyms, incorporating trampolines, gymnastic equipment, and also one room dedicated to judo. The pupils took it in turns to try each athletic activity, and worked up quite a sweat by the end of the day’s energetic endeavours.


MYP – Reading under the Trees

On Friday the 20th September, the MYP pupils spent their English lessons outside reading books in different languages as part of Library under the trees. This project encourages students to read more, especially outside, which is beneficial for them in many ways. The students enjoyed the lesson in the warm sun very much.
Language and literature teachers

3, 4 & 5M Cultural Day – Peter and the Wolf

On Thursday, September 19, students from 3m, 4m and 5m had a cultural day. They began their day by participating in different activities in school, including music and drama. Afterwards we went to see a ballet performance “Peter and the Wolf” at the Ljubljana Opera house. The students enjoyed it very much.
Ms Tina Hauptman