Our school got its name from the young Slovenian resistance member Danila Kumar, who lived in our school’s neighbourhood and was brutally killed in the Second World War. She was born on 13 October and that is why this day is the Day of Our School.
To celebrate this event, we will organise a performance “The Fearless Researcher Marie Curie and Radioactivity” (Neustrašljiva raziskovalka Marie Curie in radioaktivnost), which is appropriate for all members of our school community, on Tuesday, 16 October, at 18.00 in the Smelt Auditorium, Dunajska 160.
All members of our school community are welcome. The ticket costs 6 EUR. When we receive the application, we will give the tickets to students. Our school will send you the invoice by mail.

Application for Marie Curie performance

I would like to order ………. tickets for our family.

………………………………………… (child’s/student’s name)


I confirm I will pay for the tickets.

Date:                                            Signed: