Nature doesn’t need humans,
But humans need Nature.
Cause Nature is our Mother,
As there cannot be another.

And how do we thank that she gave us food and water?
By giving plastic and trash to the ocean through a sewer.
We are crafting things by polluting the air,
And buying unnatural things for our hair.

 We are hunting the other children of Nature,
And our Mother turns warnings into torture.
Giving us forest fires and tsunamis,
Like we were the enemies.

But it’s too late to make it right,
And the problem is that we can’t fight.
We can just wait until it’s over,
So after that, we can think it over.

Are toys worth it to make Mother Nature angry,
Or that we think about the people who are hungry.
I would choose to think about others,
And, of course, the poisoning sewers. 

But not every system can work for humankind,
And this is why the Soviet Union had failed at the time.
They are saying that everyone is the same,
While they did the opposite, that’s a shame.

So, humans should know their limits,
So it could not danger other habits.

Nature is strict but fair!
(by András Pártos, 6M)