As the quantity of e-waste is growing rapidly, it is important to recycle it or reuse it properly. From 1st to 21st October we will be collecting Small Electrical Appliances in the lobby of the school. We will try to collect as many appliances as possible to win a prize and host a concert with Challe Salle in our school! To win a prize, there are two conditions:

  • Collect as many electrical appliances (in kg) as possible (functional and non-functional)
  • Create a strong (media) campaign in school and in your community (evidence!)

We are collecting kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines, microwaves, radios, electric tools, mobile phones, calculators, laptops, TV monitors, videorecorders, LCD screens …
Bring it to reception (if needed in a cardboard box or bag) and mark with a note if it still functions.
The functioning appliances will be checked by designated companies and organisations and donated to those in need.
For more information visit:
Ozaveščevalno – zbiralna nagradna akcija na območju Mestne občine Ljubljana »Prinesi male aparate« | ZEOS
We will need your help (parents and students) with the collecting and the campaign!
7th and 8th grade students are invited to participate in the project and acquire Short-Term Service as Action recognition.
The PYP and MYP classes that bring the highest number of appliances will be awarded! (2 awards)

Ms Katarina Čepič