Learning Targets

Students understand metric units and knows how to convert them.
Students understand what is perimeter, area and volume and knows how to calculate them for different shapes.
Students understand polygons and knows how to use their properties in real life problems.
Students understand polygons angles and knows how to use their properties in real life problems.
Students understand polygons diagonals and knows how to use their properties in real life problems.
Students understand tessellations and knows how to use them in real-life situations.
Students understand circle and knows how to use it in real-life problems.
Students understand scale drawings and knows how to use them in real-life problems.
Students understand the connection between different shapes.
Students understand transformations





Learning Target_unit 2
Student understand the use of integers in real life (connection with real-life).
Student can define integers, locate integers on number lines – visual represent integers.
Student understand how to compare and order integers.
Student understand how to define absolute value and opposite integers.
Student understand how to add and subtract integers (to know integer rules) and connect them with real-life
Student understand how to multiply and divide integers and connect them with real-life.
Student understand how to apply integer in real-life situations.
Student understand how to simplify expressions involving integers.
Student understand how to follow order of operation rules with integers.
Student understand how to simplify expressions involving rational numbers (fractions, decimals).
Student understand how to apply integer knowledge to exponents with negative/positive base and negative/positive exponent.
Student understand how to apply integer knowledge to product, quotient power of exponents with the same base.
Student understand how to simplify negative exponents and connect integers with scientific notation.