School Parliament

At the last school parliament meeting, the class representatives designed their ideal school. They used Lego bricks to demonstrate what they wished the school to look like. Some focused on specialised classrooms, others more on the school’s greenery, but all without fail included a swimming pool!
Ms Tatjana, Ms Mateja Kores & Ms Tamara Cunk

6M – Cultural Day

On Thursday, 25 November, the students visited an animated show, organized by the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, called “Somewhere else.” It was in Slovene with English and French subtitles. The students found the play’s setting – the bunker – and the story – the difficulties of war interesting, touching and well animated.
Ms Anja Podreka and Ms Katarina Čepič

7M – Cultural Day

On Monday, 22 November, 7m students had a cultural day workshop with ‘Zavod Cona’ – ‘Sound Microscope with konS ≡ Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art’. The students experimented with sounds and their manipulation. At the same time, they got to know about the walking performance and soundscapes. Their task was to create their own idea about a sound walk and a plan for a storytelling performance based on the experiences of sounds. 
Ms Anja Podreka

8M & 8I – Collapsed Day – The National Gallery

Myths and Legends were the focal point of the 8I and 8M’s Collapsed Day that took place at the National Gallery. After an interesting workshop focusing on self-expression and attributes, students listened to interesting stories explaining Greek and Roman myths and legends through paintings. They were analysing attributes significant for specific mythical figures, like Prometheus and Aphrodite. It was a successful cultural day, full of interesting facts and life lessons of the past – it was really not a good idea to anger Greek gods! 
Ms Tadeja Galonja, Ms Tina Frelih, Ms Mateja Kores

7M – Cultural Day

On Wednesday, 17 November, the 7m students visited the Ljubljana City Museum and learnt many new things about the history of Ljubljana and Emona.


On Thursday, 21 October, the PYP and KG students celebrated Halloween with a Scary Reading Night and a party.
Students from 7m came to PYP 1 – 5 classrooms (decorated by the parents the day before) and read 3 Halloween-themed stories to the children. The PYP students then decorated the cupcakes provided by the PTA, who also offered pinatas and additional sweets for each class.
The students from both departments enjoyed the cupcakes, the reading and all connected festivities.
A big thank you goes to all the teachers and students who made this happen, as well as to our wonderful PTA.

Bricklaying and Gardening

On Tuesday and Wednesday, 19 and 20 October, various students from the PYP and MYP helped prepare the school garden for the winter and got their hands dirty with some bricklaying. Without a doubt, Yixuan, from 6m, was the main star. If you need any bricklaying advice, don’t hesitate to contact him. The other students who were present observed and nibbled on the freshly picked carrots from our garden.

Autumn Cooking

During the last cooking sessions, our cooking team prepared a seasonal traditional as well a modern vegetarian dish; Apple fritters drizzled with honey and veggie lentil burgers made with vegetables from our school garden. We also managed to bake burger buns and they smelt delicious. Everybody enjoyed the dishes immensely.

K1 & K2 – Children’s Week

In our Kindergarten, we prepared various activities to commemorate Children’s Week. For example, the children prepared smoothies, they had discussions about children and families around the world, they visited the Slovenian National Gallery, they had an outdoor Scavenger Hunt and a Kamishibai performance.

2M – Cultural Day

On Monday, 18 October, 2M students explored social games and skills by playing games, investigating, designing and creating.

8M/I – William Shakespeare on Social Media!

If William Shakespeare had social media, it would probably look like some of these examples created by grade 8 students. As part of their first unit dedicated to the English Renaissance and the works of Shakespeare, they created Shakespeare’s Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram profiles. They presented some of his most memorable moments uniquely and creatively.
Anja Dežman and Tina Frelih

5M – The Solar System Scale

On Thursday, 14 October, 5M students participated in a collapsed day – “The Solar System Scale”. They spent the day learning how to draw and calculate items to scale and used their newly gained skills to create a scaled model of our solar system. Each student worked on making and presenting a planet of their choice. It was a fun day with a lot of collaboration, cooperation and care.

7M – Fighting Discrimination

As part of their unit on discrimination, 7m students have been researching who fought discrimination in their country. They have learned that many people worldwide have fought and are fighting different types of discrimination in different ways, and many have been quite successful. They have prepared short presentations, which can be seen in the school hallway.
Tina Frelih

60th Anniversary of Danila Kumar

Dear DKIS community,
Today we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of our school and the 100th anniversary of the birth of Danila Kumar.
Danila Kumar (her partisan name – Andreja), born on 13 October 1921, was a commercial assistant and a national hero of the former Yugoslavia.
She completed primary and middle school in Ljubljana. Later she worked at the sock factory in Savlja near Ljubljana and from 1937 worked as a sales assistant. As early as 1936, she became a member of the League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia and was imprisoned three times until the beginning of the 1st World War. In 1940, she became a member of the Communist Party of Slovenia.
After Italy occupied Yugoslavia in 1941, she worked as a courier between the leadership of the Communist Party of Slovenia and ‘The Central Technique’ (a part of the structure of the Communist Party). In June 1942, she was arrested by fascist authorities, and after escaping from prison, she joined the partisans and became a nurse. Subsequently, she became deputy political commissioner of the Tomšič’s Battalion. In the fall of 1943, she was seriously wounded in the German offensive.
After her recovery, she was sent to Gorenjska for political work in January 1944, where she worked as a member of the provincial committee of the Slovenian Anti-Fascist Women’s Association. On her way up Mt. Lubnik, she fell into a German ambush and was killed; what’s more, on 20 December 1951, she was declared a national hero. Our primary school is named after her, and in 1979 a memorial plaque was unveiled at Kojsko’s primary school.
To celebrate this special occasion, we have set up some exhibits around the school and a film:
Kind regards,
Klemen Strmljan
Head of International Department

MYP – European Day of Languages

MYP students celebrated the European Day of Languages by giving notice to ALL languages spoken at our school, not only European ones. The spirit of international mindedness was palpable when students re-told the famous Slovenian folk tale Peter Klepec in their mother tongues as well as the languages taught at our school.
We had a lot of fun and created a linguistic mosaic of the story.
MYP Students and Language Acquisition Teachers

MYP – Week of European Cultural Heritage

MYP students celebrated a Week of European Cultural Heritage in the frame of a Collapsed day. Students discussed Slovenian meals, under the general title of: ‘Dober tek’ – ‘Enjoy your meal’.
In addition, Danila Kumar, Elementary school is celebrating its 60th anniversary.
Parents and other visitors are invited to view our outdoor exhibition at the ENTRANCE of our school created by 8m students.
Other classes created classical motif paintings of still life in different styles of Modern Art.

K1 & K2 – A Visit to the Zoo

Kindergarten children visited the Zoo on Thursday, 28 September and enjoyed discovering some interesting facts about wild animals.

4M – Herbariums of Leaves

On Monday, 20 September, 4M had a Science Day – Herbarium of leaves. First, students worked on research skills and tried using the identification Tree key. Then, based on their leaves, they found the names of the trees to which the leaves belong. For each leaf, they wrote the name of the leaf’s tree, location, date, and type. They also designed a table of contents and front page and developed their organization skills. All groups proved that they have good social skills and that they know how to divide work equally. Their results can be seen here.

PYP – Sports Day

On Friday, 29 September, our PYP and KG students had a sports day. They participated in various activities such as rollerblading, skikeing and roller skateing. They had lots of fun.

3M – Library Under the Trees

In the first couple of weeks of September, PYP 2, 3 and 4 students participated in the “Library Under the Trees” programme. They dedicated at least one lesson to individual or class reading in the playground.
They all had a lot of fun.