Tuition Fees

Dear parents,

You have already received the tuition fee invoice this month, which was 80% of the regular tuition fee.

For the second part of May, the K1 to grade 3 students who returned to school yesterday will revert to paying the full tuition fee; the difference in the fee for March will cover the difference in the fee for May. In June, they will receive an invoice for the regular tuition fee.

Grade 8 students will receive a 10% reduction in fees for June, as they will return to school in the last week of May.

We will use the same system of payment for the Afternoon and Kindergarten programmes. Parents will also receive the invoice for these two programmes in June.

For the pupils who stay at home, there will not be a charge for the Kindregarten and Afternoon programmes, and the March difference of the fee will be returned at the end of the school year.

Any pupils who do not return to school will be charged 80% of the fee for the rest of the school year. The March difference, or the difference for the prepaid tuition fee, will be returned at the end of the school year.

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj

Health & Safety

Dear parents,

Two months ago we closed our school and immediately proceeded with online learning. During this time I have not received any information regarding anybody becoming infected or ill in our school community. Some of our grades and teachers have returned to school today and I hope it stays that way.
Please be aware that in case of any of your family members becoming infected with coronavirus you must inform the school. We will do everything to keep our pupils and staff safe and healthy, and we count on your cooperation and responsible safe behaviour.

Thank you for your help and support!

Best wishes,

Irena Šteblaj

Last Instructions Before the Return to School

Dear Parents,

I have missed the laughter, joy and vivacity of children and I look forward to seeing at least some of this again on Monday, after two months away. Of course our school life will not be the same as before, we will all have to follow the preventative measures as the danger of coronavirus is still present.

We will be airing our classrooms and facilities at all times, and if possible, the pupils will also spend a lot of time outside. It could be quite cold in the coming days so they should wear warm clothes (layers), which they can take off if it gets warmer.

The pupils should also bring their own bottles of water to use during lessons, so as to avoid some common points of possible infection.

They should bring all their materials (notebooks, folders, books) to school, where they will use and keep them until the end of the school year.

Upon arrival at school the pupils will store their shoes under a ledge in the corridor in front of their classrooms and bring their (extra) clothes to their area in the classroom. They will not use/share their lockers again this school year.

Please bring and pick up your child to/at the designated area punctually at the time their group meets/parts to avoid crowding.

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj

Important Information Regarding School Meals for Pupils Working at Home

Dear parents of year 4 – 7 pupils

During the current situation regarding health and safety and the gradual opening of schools, we are facing various challenges – including organisational ones. We would like to ask you to think carefully about whether you will be able to provide your child, who is studying from home, with a hot meal at home during distance learning.

Although we are currently unable to provide you with more specific information, please let us know, by filling in the application form (link here), whether you would like an organised school lunch for your home-schooled child (according to the School Meals Agreement).

We will do our best, within the current legislation, rules, instructions and recommendations, to organise the preparation of school lunches for pupils who will remain at home for the time being. Therefore, we need to know whether to register your child for lunch during online learning.

We suggest that when deciding whether your child needs a hot lunch, first think about protecting their health and the increased risk of coming to school, as well as the fact that we at school are obliged to follow very strict instructions to reduce the possibility of infection with the COVID-19 virus.

The deadline for registration is very short, Monday, May 18, 10:00, so we thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards
School counselling service and school administration

The End of Week 8 of Online Learning

Dear parents,

Today, the parents of pupils who will return to school on Monday will get detailed information about the organisation of lessons specific for their group. We have put great effort into preparing the conditions and processes in our school to ensure safety and the smooth running of the programmes.

Grades 4 to 8 will continue with the online learning process. I would like to ask all parents to encourage their children to continue working responsibly, as the end of the school year is approaching very quickly. This is especially important for the pupils who need to improve their grades and to whom teachers for individual support have been appointed – they should take advantage of this privilege and cooperate with them regularly. Parents will be sent the projected grades for the MYP students today.

Next week, grade 8 parents and pupils will get instructions about their return to school. Also, a few students from grades 6 & 7 will be asked to come to school and finish their work, as well as to be assessed.

Enjoy the weekend, but do not forget the prevention measures. The danger of the virus is not over yet.

Best wishes,

Irena Šteblaj


An Update on the Resumption of School

Dear parents,

We have been preparing the procedures and facilities for the return of the Kindergarten and Grade 1 to grade 3 pupils on Monday, 18 May and grade 8 students on Monday, 25 May.

Today, we will get the final detailed instructions from the Ministry of Education. Tomorrow,  we will send you the adapted schedules for grades 1 to 3  for the period until the end of the school year. Grade 2 & 3 pupils will continue to do Slovenian online, as we are not allowed to regroup students in this period, so they will be able to continue with the programme in their phase group. Grade 1-3 pupils will also continue the Plenary programme online.

A meeting was held – a Pre Case conference (analyses of pupils’ work) with our teachers, who were very satisfied  with the online learning results. The main objective of the conference was to identify pupils at risk. I am very happy to report that for almost all of our students,  who will continue online learning, no additional assessments in school will be needed. Only a few pupils from grades 6 & 7 will need to come to school to finish their school work, in order to improve their grades.

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj

3M – Challenge of Inquiry

On Tuesday, 12th May, the 3M pupils had their challenge of Inquiry, which this year was carried out individually. Their theme was OPTICAL ILLUSIONS, and as the name suggests, they were asked to carry out several tasks relating to whether what we see is real or an illusion.

A Message about the Yearbooks

Dear parents,

Some pupils have not sent us their texts and photos for the yearbooks yet. If they do not do it by Thursday, 14 May, we will not be able to include them in the yearbooks.

Irena Šteblaj

Further Information Regarding the Return to School

Dear parents,

I would like to ask all parents of K1, K2 , grades 1,2,3, and 8 pupils to send us the confirmation forms notifying us whether their children will come to school on 18 /25 May, or whether, for various reasons, they cannot attend the programme in school. We will also need to know if your child needs to attend the Afternoon programme, so we can plan accordingly. We need the information today.

I will be able to send you more detailed information about the organisation and procedures when we have a confirmation of the number of pupils who will return to school.

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj



Kind regards,


Irena Šteblaj

Creation Myth

The following is a wonderful and magical creation myth written by a 7th year pupil during EAL Intermediate lessons.
Tina Frelih

Important Information Regarding the Return to School

Dear Parents,

Kindergarten and grades 1-3 will start lessons in school on Monday, 18 May. Grade 8 will return to school on Monday, 25 May.

We will stop online learning for them then.

Before a child comes to school parents will have to sign the Confirmation form (attached here) and send it to school by Tuesday, 12 May (inter.osljdk@guest.arnes.sior to Danila Kumar International School, Gogalova 15, 1000 Ljubljana) to confirm their child is healthy and has not been in contact with anybody infected by Coronavirus.

  • There will be up to 10 pupils in one classroom.
  • Pupils will stay in the same group all school day.
  • Pupils will have a designated space – a desk and a chair in their classroom they will have to use at all times.
  • There will be at least 1.5 – 2m distance between pupils.
  • The classrooms will be aired at all times, if the weather permits windows will be open during lessons.
  • If possible we will organise lessons outside for at least part of the school day.
  • Pupils will have to wash or disinfect their hands every time they start a new activity.
  • They will also have to follow the correct cough
  • There will be sanitisers in all classrooms and other rooms in the school and all surfaces will be regularly disinfected.
  • Children will not be allowed to bring any toys to school and no school materials will be taken home.
  • Pupils will go to the toilet individually; the toilets will be disinfected after each use.
  • Classrooms and other spaces in the school will be disinfected several times per day.
  • It is not recommended to come to school by public transportation, pupils should walk or bike to school.
  • Pupils will be able to enter the school individually, they will have to follow the safe distance signs.
  • At reception they will have to disinfect their hands and their temperature will be measured.
  • Pupils under 12 years old will not have to wear face masks, older pupils will have to wear them in school common areas, except in their classrooms.
  • All teachers and staff will wear face masks.
  • Parents and other adults (except staff) will not be able to enter school buildings and playgrounds. Parents will be able to communicate with teachers online.
  • Kindergarten and grade 1 pupils will be taken from the entrance to their classroom by the teachers on duty.
  • Snacks and lunch will be provided, there will be special safety procedures for mealtimes as well.
  • Pupils should bring their own bottles of water with them.
  • All events have been cancelled until the end of the school year.

read more…

75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day

A minute after midnight on May 9, 1945, World War II officially ended in Europe. The worst time in human history began on September 1, 1939 with the German invasion of Poland. The war then spread throughout Europe and, despite initial concerns, soon drew in France and Britain. Germany invaded Norway and Denmark in 1940, and France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands in May. In April 1941, the German army invaded the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Greece.

The liberation of Europe began with the Allied landings on D-Day in June 1944. As a result, the German army withdrew from all battlefields by 1945, and the ring around Germany became narrower and narrower, and the Battle of Berlin took place in April 1945.

The Victory Day in Ljubljana

“Greetings to the Yugoslav Army on the Liberated Slovene Land!” Wrote the writer Fran Saleški Finžgar on May 9, 1945 – on the occasion of the liberation of Ljubljana – in the issue of the Slovene Reporter.

Irena Šteblaj



A Journey Through Bela Krajina

These beautiful May days are an invitation to explore nature. This is why the MYP students went to Bela Krajina yesterday, not alone, but with the students of the Matija Gubec Primary School and the ninth-graders of the national department of our school. And how? On a Virtual journey, with the help of the internet! It was a new experience for us all, which proved to be a good one.
On their way, they observed nature, got to know new places, and everyone was impressed by the Lahinja Landscape Park. They met the green Jurij, Easter eggs and the many natural beauties of Bela Krajina, as well as the cultural heritage.
Simon Zoretič Gajser, Melita Plešnik

Many Questions about the Return to School

Dear parents,

In the last few days I have received many e-mails about the possibility of the continuation of online learning for all grades, as many parents are afraid to send their children back to school.

As we have not received any guidelines or protocol (number of students per classroom, procedures, rules) for lessons in school as yet, we are not able to plan for the period after 18 May. We are also unaware of the prospect for the continuation of online learning for pupils whose parents decide to keep their children at home.

I hope that at the beginning of next week I will be able to present the options to parents and ask them for feedback about their intentions.

Fortunately, we have utilised every day of learning and our students have already completed most of their work for this school year. I am confident that we will be able to help and support all our students in finishing this school year successfully.

I wish you a relaxing and sunny weekend.

Best wishes,

Irena Šteblaj

MYP Science Day – Jesenkova Pot

On Tuesday, 5th May, the MYP pupils explored the Jesenkova pot (Jesenko Path), to enrich their knowledge of the diverse ecosystems of forests, especially trees. Along with doing research on the man who the path is named after, Dr Fran Jesenko, the pupils had to analyse the numerous aspects of forests. They included finding out about various trees, their fruits and seeds, and how they are utilised for medicine, how and why food webs function, the creation and significance of top soil, and the implicit importance of forests as a whole, amongst other things. Many pupils excelled and showed some great work.

4M Polygons

4M were given the task of creating a drawing using regular and irregular shapes.
The Teacher was very impressed. Here they are:
Aja Komel

A Further Update on the Return to School

Dear Parents,

Our pupils have fully immersed themselves into online learning again after one week of the May holidays. As we are approaching the end of the school year they should continue to complete their work regularly and should strive for excellence.

Grades 1 – 3 and grade 8 will do summative assessments in school, other years might be called to school to do some summative assessments, if necessary.
We will ask certain students, whose work is irregular or the standard of which needs raising, to come to school individually and finish particular projects and summative assessments.

Some activities planned for next week:

Service Project Collapsed day for grades 6 &7 on Monday, 11 May

Cultural Day for K1 & K2 on Thursday, 14 May

Reading Badges deadline extended to 1 June

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj

The Return of Certain Years to School Confirmed

Dear Parents,

The dates and years which will return to school in May were confirmed yesterday. It is now officially confirmed that on Monday, 18 May, the 1st group of students will return to school, these will be the Kindergarten and year 1, 2 & 3 pupils. Then, on Monday, 25 May, our grade 8 students will also return to school.

I will inform you about the specific procedures and safety measures which will be set in place as soon as we receive the definitive guidelines from the Ministry of Education. In any case, our priority will be the safety and well-being of our students.

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj

A Message with Reference to the Return to School

Dear parents,

At the present time you have many questions about which year groups will continue the school year online (according to the reports we have at the moment, these will be grades 4 – 7) and which will be able to come back to school (according to the current reports these will be the kindergarten, grades 1- 3  and grade 8 students). We are still awaiting confirmation and further instruction from the Ministry of Education.

In any case, for those who will be able to return to school the online learning process will finish. As we understand, parents will be able to keep their children at home, in such cases, the school will provide weekly guidelines for them and they will be assessed like the pupils who continue the programme in school.

This week we have started the process of writing reflections for the Yearbooks. This school year the Yearbooks will be slightly different, photographs will not be taken in school and we will produce the Yearbooks in electronic form only.

I would like to encourage the students to design some relevant art work for the front and chapter pages. Designs and ideas for page layouts (borders, frames, embellishments, ..) are welcome, too. The pupils should send them to me.

Remember the safety measures, the danger of coronavirus is still here.

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj

Welcome Back!

Dear parents,

I hope you and your children have had a pleasant break, recharged your batteries, and are eager to continue the school year.

We are starting the 7th week of online learning. It appears our pupils will continue for at least two more weeks at home, and then some years will return to school. Consequently, we are working on ensuring that sufficient safety procedures and conditions will be in place for the students who return to school. We will also start summative assessments and the compilation of report cards.

We have already organised individual supervision and help for all students who have had difficulty completing work and/or reaching the main (minimal) objectives of the programmes. Our teachers, homeroom teachers and I will be in touch with students and their parents in case there are any issues. Our main goal is to ensure the right conditions and scaffolding in order for all students to finish the school year successfully, and with good results.

Some activities this week:

Grades 8M & 8I: Science Day – Jesenkova pot, on Tuesday, 5 May

MYP (Grades 6 to 8): A collapsed day in collaboration with Matije Gubca International School Zagreb – Lahinja & Bela krajina: on Thursday, 7 May

K1 & K2: Sports Day – Hiking, on Thursday, 7 May

Take care!

Best wishes,

Irena Šteblaj