Dear parents,

In the last few days I have received many e-mails about the possibility of the continuation of online learning for all grades, as many parents are afraid to send their children back to school.

As we have not received any guidelines or protocol (number of students per classroom, procedures, rules) for lessons in school as yet, we are not able to plan for the period after 18 May. We are also unaware of the prospect for the continuation of online learning for pupils whose parents decide to keep their children at home.

I hope that at the beginning of next week I will be able to present the options to parents and ask them for feedback about their intentions.

Fortunately, we have utilised every day of learning and our students have already completed most of their work for this school year. I am confident that we will be able to help and support all our students in finishing this school year successfully.

I wish you a relaxing and sunny weekend.

Best wishes,

Irena Šteblaj