St. Petersburg International Educational Forum

Our Headmistress, Ms Mojca Mihelic and  the Head of the International Department, Ms Irena Steblaj are taking part in the St. Petersburg International Educational Forum and visiting kindergartens and schools in the area this week. The municipality of St. Petersburg is investing a lot into educational programmes and school facilities.
St. Petersburg is an amazing city with very rich history, culture and architecture. Both Ms Mihelic and Ms Steblaj will bring many new ideas and impressions from Russia.
Irena Šteblaj


22 March 2018
All members of our  school community, students, parents and teachers, were  actively involved, motivated  and very productive at the PYP and MYP workshops on student responsibility and self regulation.
Irena Šteblaj

Myp Community Project Presentations

On Wednesday, 21 March, grade 8 students presented their process work (investigation and taking action) to their peers, mentors and parents. They all did a great job. Congratulations!
Petra Cerar