Dear Parents,

I have missed the laughter, joy and vivacity of children and I look forward to seeing at least some of this again on Monday, after two months away. Of course our school life will not be the same as before, we will all have to follow the preventative measures as the danger of coronavirus is still present.

We will be airing our classrooms and facilities at all times, and if possible, the pupils will also spend a lot of time outside. It could be quite cold in the coming days so they should wear warm clothes (layers), which they can take off if it gets warmer.

The pupils should also bring their own bottles of water to use during lessons, so as to avoid some common points of possible infection.

They should bring all their materials (notebooks, folders, books) to school, where they will use and keep them until the end of the school year.

Upon arrival at school the pupils will store their shoes under a ledge in the corridor in front of their classrooms and bring their (extra) clothes to their area in the classroom. They will not use/share their lockers again this school year.

Please bring and pick up your child to/at the designated area punctually at the time their group meets/parts to avoid crowding.

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj