Dear parents,

Today, the parents of pupils who will return to school on Monday will get detailed information about the organisation of lessons specific for their group. We have put great effort into preparing the conditions and processes in our school to ensure safety and the smooth running of the programmes.

Grades 4 to 8 will continue with the online learning process. I would like to ask all parents to encourage their children to continue working responsibly, as the end of the school year is approaching very quickly. This is especially important for the pupils who need to improve their grades and to whom teachers for individual support have been appointed – they should take advantage of this privilege and cooperate with them regularly. Parents will be sent the projected grades for the MYP students today.

Next week, grade 8 parents and pupils will get instructions about their return to school. Also, a few students from grades 6 & 7 will be asked to come to school and finish their work, as well as to be assessed.

Enjoy the weekend, but do not forget the prevention measures. The danger of the virus is not over yet.

Best wishes,

Irena Šteblaj