There will be no lessons or other activities (our school will be closed) on Monday, 2nd January, as it became a Slovenian public holiday again.
Season’s Greetings from 2M
8m & 8i Tea Party with Poetry
On Monday, December 19, 8m and 8i students celebrated the end of their unit on Shakespeare. They created sonnets and recited them proudly to their peers and parents. They also enjoyed tea, biscuits and the jolly pre-Christmas spirit.
PTA PYP Christmas Suprise
On Thursday the 15th of December, the PTA organised a visit from a very special guest! Santa Claus! Santa came to deliver presents to all the pyp students who all enjoyed their time with him and his helpers.
The DKIS choir performed together with the choir from the national department of Danila Kumar in front of the town hall in the centre of Ljubljana. There were many spectators who were very excited and pleased with the energetic and excellent performance of our students.