Grade 8 students, Ivana and Noemi, explored the question: How are moral values important for our descendants and us? As part of their Community project. They connected with the association Društvo za boljši svet Vilinski ključ, which encourages tolerance and compassion in people. It is led by Mrs Alenka Kos, who helps the disabled by providing recreational and sports activities for them to help improve their physical activity and reduce the possibility of subsequent chronic disease. Her activities promote social inclusion and equal opportunities for all.

On Monday, 9th April, Mrs Alenka, Ivana and Noemi delivered two 90-minute workshops for grade 4 students of the national department. They listened to a story about seven fairies, which represent each a different moral value. Students met Ariel the Elf, and talked about which moral values make a better world. The children stressed the importance of love, compassion and forgiveness, and explained how important it is for all of us to accept differences in each other and overcome our prejudices and fears.

At the end of her visit, Mrs Alenka gave a gift to all Danila Kumar students. She donated her books (The most beautiful fairy tales, Feel the Freedom of the Water) to the school library and shared a symbol – the Key of Love – with the classes which attended her workshop.

We would like to express our gratitude to Ivana and Noemi for inviting Mrs Alenka to our school. We would also like to thank Mrs Alenka for helping our school spread our mission in bringing up kind and responsible students full of self-respect and care for one another.