5M Science Day – Ljubljana Zoo

Today, for their UoI on endangered animals,5M were treated to a trip to Ljubljana Zoo to learn more about animals, their characteristics, and habitats. The day started with the chance to make contact with two animals. The first, a turtle dove who allowed the students to hold and stroke her. The next, a corn snake who, for willing participants, let himself be draped over their shoulders. After this, there was a brief tour around the zoo, encompassing many different animals from diverse regions of the world, from Canadian wolves and Asiatic lions to Australian wallabies and Siberian tigers. And, despite being inundated with many questions form the pupils, the tour guide was ready with the answers. The students, who also had the opportunity to walk with goats and pigs, were enlightened and enriched by their zoological experience.

8M & I – English Tea Party

Today, The pupils of 8M & I were given the opportunity to recite their poems about love, to their teachers and fellow classmates. Following a brief introduction by their teachers, the students took it in turns to deliver their lines to an assembled audience. From sonnets relaying feelings for their parents, famous film characters and siblings, to more romantic manifestations, the students evoked countless emotions including loneliness, fear and gratitude, with their inspirational verse. And to celebrate these literary exploits, the gathering was accompanied by, well deserved, tea and biscuits. A big round of applause for our aspiring poets!