Dear Parents,

I hope all of you are well, safe and healthy. I am in contact with our teachers constantly and I am happy that the online learning is working well. Teachers are regularly giving feedback to students and informing their parents when students are not punctual or thorough enough with their work.

Our school has decided to reduce the tuition fees for the period of online learning. As you have already received the invoices for March, we will deduct the March difference from the April tuition fees.

Tuition fees March 2020

Kindergarten Grades 1 – 8 Afternoon programme
March 1-13 March 16 – 31 March 1 -13 March 16 – 31 March 1-13 March 16 – 31
100 % 20% 100% 80 % 100%

I have not received any information about coronavirus infection within the school community as yet. Let us follow all recommendations for preventive measures and stay isolated. Your child can get infected playing with a ball another person has touched. I recommend walks, safe sports activities and play in isolated places (family gardens & yards, forests, countryside) outside, away from other children and adults.

Stay healthy and think of safety!

Best wishes,

Irena Steblaj
