Dear parents,

Some of our parents and other family members are working so hard during the coronavirus pandemic in health and social care, key public services, public safety and utilities, communication, food production, distribution, shops and many other necessary services.

An enormous thank you to them for their sacrifice, their work is highly valued and we are very grateful to them!

There are no reports about any of our school community being infected or becoming ill so far.

There is no greater priority for me and our teachers than the safety and well-being of our school community.

As we have done for almost three decades, we continue with the best practices for this new mode of teaching, through planning engaging lessons and activities and arriving at all decisions with one driving consideration – the best interests of our students and of their growth and development. We will keep improving the online learning process; this week we will try introducing video conferences in upper classes to better support our students’ needs.

To help our entire community, stay informed of developments and follow the safety measures.

Should you have any questions or concerns, I and our teachers are here to support you.

Irena Steblaj