Dear parents,

One of the key preventive measures to prevent the spreading of coronavirus is the limitation of social contact, consequently, the majority of public institutions will stay closed until 17 April at the earliest, among these are all schools.

That being so, we will continue with online learning for at least three more weeks. We have been improving our online learning process following your feedback and the feedback of our students and teachers. This week we will start introducing the collapsed days which have been planned for this period. This will help change the dynamic as well as add variety to the programme along with making it more interesting and enjoyable for our students.

On behalf of our team – thank you for your support and help in the learning process. I reserve a special thank you and gratitude for those who are keeping all the important services running smoothly, especially nurses, doctors, volunteers and others who are helping the ill and people most vulnerable.

As the average incubation period for coronavirus is 5 days and most people get ill within 11.5 days, as well as the fact that we have been away from school and in isolation for 17 days, gives me hope that nobody from our school will become infected and ill.

Stay at home, follow the preventive measures and, thus, help stop the virus and make work easier for the people who are exposed to the dangers while working for us!

Best wishes,

Irena Steblaj