Dear parents,

The PYP students and/or parents have been invited to join the online Teams platform and have received the instructions on how to gain access to their online classrooms, hitherto.

If you have further questions or issues, please address them to our IT Support, Benjamin Magnay at

Our PYP teachers will give instructions and discuss questions via video conferences with students every day.

Teams video conferences were introduced in the MYP programme last week. Our team will try to organise more video conferencing at various subjects to scaffold the learning process.

I have received very good feedback about the participation of our students. Most of them complete their work regularly, very well and on time. There are only a few students who need to be reminded about their work. If they complete tasks one week after the deadline our teachers will still accept it and asses it.

Please let me know if your child still needs help with the completion of their work, either because of organisational, emotional or cognitive problems, and we will organise some extra help for them.

I hope you are all well and healthy. I have not received any information about any member of our school community being infected and ill. I hope it stays that way.

Best wishes,

Irena Šteblaj