Day two in Kavka unleashed a busy itinerary for the 5M students. To begin with they followed the Sentiero Della Pace or Pot Miru (Walk of Peace), straddling the Italy-Slovenia border to the First World War I Outdoor Museum in Kolovrat, site of the dangerous Isonzo Front, where a network of bunkers, caves and trenches sheltered many brave fighters. Along the way they passed a monument dedicated to Zanuso Giuseppe, an Italian soldier, who had a shelter for those caught in storms named after him. After a well earned lunch they once again immersed themselves in the PYP Exhibition followed by a trek to the local Kavka cave, learning from our guide about how the Karst region was formed. Then, after dinner, to round off the day, the pupils were introduced to Kamishibai, a traditional form of Japanese street theatre in the form of picture card storytelling.