5M Field Trip, Kavka – Day One Afternoon

Day one continued with bows and arrows as the pupils tried themselves as archers, and proved to be quite handy with their accuracy. A traditional Slovenian dish of Jota then prepared them for an evening hike to a view of a mountain scape, with our guides pointing out a hole through the rock.

5M Field Trip, Kavka – Arrival

5M have arrived in Kavka. The journey allowed for spectacular views of mountain scapes, dramatic cliffs and fast flowing rivers, including the iconic Soča. The pupils are now enjoying some free time, after preparing their rooms and having a spot of lunch, with archery planned for this afternoon.

Kindergarten Field Trip – Day three

This was our last day on the farm. 
The farmer showed us his horse named Toro. We were allowed to feed him some dry bread which we were also feeding to the sheep. After having fed the animals, we took a short walk to a nearby mill, where Ms Metka explained how they used to make flour. When we returned to the farm, the lady of the house prepared a treasure hunt with riddles for us.
The most fun was when Mr Andrej took us for a ride with his tractor.
It was hard to say goodbye, but we were looking forward to seeing our families again. 
Kindergarten Students



Sleeping in winter, working the whole year
And fighting for their lives, with no fear
First they build a hive, like architecture
Then the only work left, is to help Mother Nature

Waking with the sun, sleeping when the sun sets
And they are the best workers I have ever met
They are flying all around the meadow
But for their safety, they must stay low

There are many flying creatures that think they are for eating
And if there is no other choice, the bees shall sting
But unlike the wasps, the bees only have one shot
And with that one sting, they sacrifice a lot

With that sting they not only lose their sword
But also give their life away, and leave our world
This happens every day, so there is no big fuss
The life continues, because there’s nothing to discuss

Bees continue collecting nectar for their honey
Which then we take from them, and exchange it for money
But they are not surprised, because this is how it always has been
And until they become extinct, they are going to serve their queen

Pártos András

World Bee Day

We have been celebrating this day since 2018 thanks to the efforts of the Government of Slovenia, with the support of Apimondia, which led the UN General Assembly to declare 20 May as World Bee Day. The date for this observance was chosen as it was the day Anton Janša, a pioneer of modern apiculture, was born.

One of our students, Andras from 7M, has written a poem dedicated to these hard workers without which our planet would not be the same.


Tina Frelih