Kindergarten Cultural Day – Ljubljana Puppet Theatre

Our Kindergarten students visited the Ljubljana puppet theatre on Friday 3 March.
The travelling to and from the theatre was as interesting as the show itself. Experiences like taking a public bus, walking through the city centre and observing a truck with a crane cage, along with strolling through Ljubljana market and seeing an ice skating rink were all part of the trip.
We know the children enjoyed themselves during the puppet show as well, as we could hear a lot of laughing and positive comments during the performance.

Sonja Može

MYP Sports Day – Krvavec

As is the case every year, the time had come again for the annual MYP Winter Sports Day, this year being split between Krvavec, for the skiers and snowboarders, and Jezersko, for those who decided to try other seasonal activities. The Krvavec crew ascended the freshly snow swept mountain aboard the gondola to find a blanket of moderate fog. The visibility remained fair though, as the students were eager to immerse themselves in the fresh snowfall and showcase their piste prowess. Many ascents were made on the chair lifts, the students keen to make the most of the time they had deftly descending the spacious well-groomed Krvavec runs, with some also flexing their freestyle frolics in the snowpark.

MYP Sports Day – Jezersko

MYP students enjoyed the fresh snow today at their winter sports day. Half of the students went skiing at Krvavec while the other half went to Jezersko. The team there prepared three stations: cross-country skiing, sledding and snowshoeing and the students, being balanced, tested their skills on all three. And on top of everything, they had an impromptu snowball fight on their way back to the bus. Everyone was exercising and having a lot of fun doing it.
Tina Frelih

3, 4 & 5M Science Day – Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association

On 28 February, the students from 3, 4 and 5M entered the world of bees, upon traveling to Brdo, in the Lukovica area, where the Slovenian Beekeepers’ Association is situated. The multi tiered itinerary consisted of, firstly, a presentation about how bees produce honey, which produced a very enthusiastic and lively question and answer session. Then the students donned beekeeping hats and visited the association’s apiarys, being warned to be quiet, as during the winter months the bees sleep. On the menu next was pollen tasting, along with a rich selection of five different types of honey. Block stamp making completed the day’s activities, the pupils designing their own mementos to remind them of their time learning about bees and honey.

PYP Winter Sports Day

The 23 February saw the annual Winter PYP Sports Day return. Bohinj and Pokljuka were the destinations this year as the Kindergarten, 1, 2 and 3M headed to the latter, while 4 and 5M were treated with the former. The older students alternated between some classic winter sledging fun, and donning the thinner types of skis for some cross country skiing action. Meanwhile, over in Pokljuka, the younger pupils were also sledging, and trying some other winter pursuits: snowshoeing and mono skiing.