IB Learner Profiles

On 2nd September 2022, MYP students spent their day exploring the importance of IB LEARNER PROFILES. They discovered that learner profiles are just as important in our everyday lives as they are in school. After checking their preknowledge, they attended four different stations to see the connections and the impact these learner profile traits have on our lives: 
#1 – learner profiles on a community level How learner profiles encourage us to help the community. 
#2 – Learner profiles on a school level How our behaviour impacts the school atmosphere and how learner profiles help us make positive changes. 
#3 – Learner profiles on a subject level How learner profiles help us be more successful in different subjects. 
# 4 – Learner profiles on an individual level Realizing our strengths and weaknesses.  
Students then chose one learner profile they will be working on throughout the whole school year of which they will be collecting evidence of their progress along the way.  
And it’s not just the students who will be working towards improving in their chosen area, the teachers will also join them and we invite you to participate as well.  

It’s the little things that make a big difference, so join us in making these positive changes! 

Anja Dežman

1st Day of School

Every new day brings a fresh chance, it brings new hope and it sheds a new light.
Dear students, respected parents and my dearest colleagues. A very warm welcome to each and every one of you.
Today we have many new students among us; therefore, let us welcome them with a smile and loud applause.
Let me return to my opening thought. As we all know the beginning of something new is always a new opportunity. For some of you the novelty might only be a new school year, for some of you a new school and on top of that for some of you even a new country. Nonetheless, you all have something in common; you are all opening a next chapter of your life. A chapter full of challenges. But it depends on you on how to overcome those challenges. Please, have in mind that none of us can be good at everything. Luckily, we are all unique. Therefore, compete only with yourself, learn from your mistakes and always try to do your best. Success has no shortcuts.   
With that being said, I would once again like to welcome or welcome you back to DKIS. Let the new school year begin.

Klemen Strmljan
Head of International Department

5M Sports Day – Physical Mobility Test

Today the 5M students had the chance to test themselves in a physical ability test, as well as practice their communication skills learnt in their PYP Exhibition, in guiding the rest of the PYP classes around the many varied activities, including Rapid hand movement, an obstacle course performed backwards, bar hold and broad jump, amongst others.  The students compared their results to previous years and many were delighted with the progress they had made. 5M also proved to be adept at handling their responsible roles with the younger PYP students.

5M Morning with Andreja Jernejčič

5M were treated to an invitiation from the prominent expert in public speaking, Andreja Jernejčič. Upon arrival, at her beautiful premises in Ljubljana, we were welcomed with beverages and appetizers, to prepare us for learning about performing in front of an audience. First, Ms Jernejčič gave a richly informative presentation about public speaking, noting non-verbal communication, preparation, and knowledge as some key aspects. There was also the trick of trying to talk with a pencil in your mouth, which helps you open your mouth fully. The students then practiced, using their newly acquired knowledge, and performed, in front of camera, their opening lines for their PYP Exhibition speeches. The teachers were also put on the spot and asked to speak. Ms Jernejčič, then gave us the benefit of her insightful feedback, which was very encouraging for the students, and the teachers too. We would like to thank Ms Jernejčič for a warm, wonderful and informative morning, as well as for the goodie bag! Thank you!

5M Field Trip, Kavka – Day 5

The final day brought with it the realistaion that our Kavka adventure was coming to an end, but before it did, we still had things to see and explore. First, we went to visit a fish farm full of Marble trout, a native of the Soča river, some other breeds of fish, and told about the importance of the farm for nature. Then, a short tour of Kobarid was in order, which included the towering statue of Simon Gregorčič, a renowned Slovene poet from Kobarid, that dominates the town’s square. The journey back to Ljubljana was pleasant and relaxing, and the students and parents were happy to be reunited again. And if you would like to witness some of the sights and vistas we were treated to this week, Stage 19 of the Giro d’Italia will pass right past where we stayed, and will be broadcast on TV next Friday, 27th May.