First Day of School 2020/21

It was that time of year again earlier today as dawn broke on yet another start to a school year, however, this year was slightly different. Despite the Covid-19 measures in force, which are in place for the benefit and health of the community, the pupils and teachers were eager and excited to get started with this year’s activities and prepare for the following days, weeks and months.

Official Announcement

Announcement Regarding the Start of the School Year*

Dear parents,

We would like to stress that only healthy students can attend school in the upcoming school year. Please take into account the following:

  1. In the last 14 days your child has not been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
  • Your child has not been quarantined.
  • The family doctor or an epidemiologist has not recommended self-isolating in the last 14 days.
  • If your child starts exhibiting any signs or symptoms of the virus or anyone living in the same household tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, you are required to keep them at home.

If your child falls ill showing any signs/symptoms or anyone living in the same household as your child has tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, your child should stay at home and refrain from contact with others. If your child is ill, please contact your family doctor or a doctor-on-call. In case your child tests positive or has been in contact with someone who has tested positive you will receive information and instructions from the epidemiologist.

We recommend your child limits contact with the elderly (i.e. grandparents) and people with chronic illnesses or immune deficiency, since they are more prone to experience a more severe development of the disease.


Procedures & Routines

Dear parents,

We have been informed about the new rules and routines for the next school year. All our students will return to school.

Parents and other adults are not allowed to enter the school building. Kindergarten and PYP 1 parents will receive special instructions. If you have any issues, please contact our office or receptionist.

Individual interviews and general meetings will take place online, with the exception of the first general meeting for Kindergarten and PYP 1.

Only healthy students can come to school.

PYP 2 – MYP 3 (grades 2 – 8) students should wait in their groups, respecting the safety distance from other groups/classes, for their teachers to take them to their classes in front of the main entrance, according to this schedule every day:

Beginning of the school day

08:00: 4M, 5M, 7M

08:05: 3M, 6M

08:10: 2M, 8M, 8I

Exception: if you have extra lessons/activities before lesson 1 you come according to the teacher’s instruction. Generally, extra lessons will start in the second week of September and extracurricular activities in October.

Please do not be late, as there will be a special protocol to enter the school. In case your child is late, call this number +386 (0)1 563 68 34 and a teacher will come and take your child to their classroom.

Kindergarten and PYP 1 students will enter the school from Rodičeva ulica street.


The lessons will be organised according to our regular timetables for all grades, you can find them on our webpage:

Extracurricular activities and extra programmes will be offered but with certain limitations.

There will be sanitisers in all classrooms and other rooms in the school and all surfaces will be regularly disinfected.

If possible, we will organise lessons outside. Most collapsed days will be organised in the school or its surroundings.

If your PYP child/ren is/are not in the Afternoon Programme, you must pick them up from the main entrance waiting area immediately after their last lesson.


1st Day of School 2020/21

Dear parents,

With regard to Coronavirus we have been informed about the new rules and routines for the beginning of the school year. Based on these, the first day of school will be as follows.

Parents and other adults are not allowed to enter the school building and only healthy students can come to school.

PYP 1 (grade 1) and Kindergarten

The opening ceremony will start at 10:45 in the dome. Please do not be late, as there will be a special protocol to enter the dome. Students and parents should wait by the fence in front of the dome, respecting the safety distance from other groups/classes, for their teacher/assistants to take them to the dome. There will be special corridors for students and parents. After a short opening ceremony, homeroom teachers will take the students to their homeroom classrooms, while the assistants will take the parents around the school in front of the classrooms. The activities will end at approximately 12:30 You should have received all the necessary documents via regular post. We would kindly ask you to send them back to the International office or bring them with you. If you have only recently applied, we will send all the necessary documents via e-mail ASAP. There will be no snack provided.

PYP 2 – MYP 3 (grades 2 – 8)

The opening ceremony will start at 10:00 in the dome. Please do not be late, as there will be a special protocol to enter the dome. Only students should wait by the fence in front of the dome, respecting the safety distance from other groups/classes, for their teacher/assistants to take them to the dome. After a short opening ceremony, homeroom teachers will take the students to their homeroom classrooms. You will be able to pick your child/children up at approximately 11:30 in front of the school. You have received all the necessary documents via regular post. We would kindly ask you to send them back to the International office or bring them with you. If you have only recently applied, we will send all the necessary documents via e-mail ASAP. There will be no snack provided.

Kind regards,
Klemen Strmljan
Head of School

A Message from the Headmistress

Dear students and parents,

I would like to inform you that I have appointed Mr Klemen Strmljan as the new head of Danila Kumar International School. He will start his new role in September.

Yours sincerely,

Mojca Mihelič MA