Kindergarten Splash Science Day

On Wednesday, June 17th, K1 and K2 had a Splash science day. They listened to a story about a frog family first, then they watched Mr Alen creating a volcano with erupting lava. After, they visited different stations where they were – blowing bubbles, trying whether objects float or sink and washing and hanging out baby clothes.  The children were very happy and excited. The day was a big success.
Sonja Može

5M – Team Building Day

On Tuesday, June 16, the pupils of 5M participated in a Team Building Day. They were participating in fun activities that required them being and working with other people. They had to be principled and show their social skills to successfully complete the challenges. At the end of the day, the pupils agreed that teamwork makes the dream work.
Anja Erjavec

Kindergarten Sports Day – Scavenger Hunt

On Friday, 12th June, we had our sports day – the scavenger hunt.
First, we warmed up in the gym with music and an obstacle course. Then we went outside to find hidden treasures (different toy animals).
We had an amazing time!
P.S. We could not find one giraffe. If you find it, please let us know 🙂
Alen Kovačič

4M Sports Day – Cycling

On Friday, June 12th, the 4M students had a sports day in which they tested their cycling skills. The pupils practiced different aspects of riding a bicycle on an obstacle course. We all had lots of fun, learnt some new skills and enjoyed the warm sunny day.
Simon Zoretič Gajser