MYP Sports Day – Baseball

On Monday, 15th June grades 6 and 7 enjoyed baseball training and played several rounds of the game. They were a bit cautious at first, however, they quickly got it and enjoyed the game in the dome despite the rainy day.
Katarina Čepič


Pionrski Dom Ljubljana

Komenskega 9

Dear parents,

Finally, we have a small but strong selection of art work from Ljubljana’s primary schools. Professional artists at Pionirski Dom, Ljubljana, have prepared their final exhibition of the art festival ‘Likfest’. Some of our pupils’ art works have been chosen for this great exhibition.

You are all invited to visit from Monday 8th of June to Thursday 18th of June.

We are glad that our students have participated in this festival and proud to have some students at the final event.

Congratulations to all students and their mentors!

Anja Podreka

The End Of Online Learning

Dear parents,

From today on all our grades are back in school and online learning is officially over.

I would like to commend all our students for their excellent achievements. This unusual situation and individualised learning was a unique and valuable experience for their future. 

I would also like to say a big thank you to all our parents who were our teachers’ assistants in this period. I am aware that it was not easy for some of you, as we have some students who need constant support and encouragement.

Finally, I am very proud of our teachers – their commitment, expertise and hard work.

Our whole school community once again showed its academic excellence.

On Friday you will get the last issue of our Newsletter with information about activities until the end of the school year: various sports days, Valeta for 8th graders, the final event, report cards and yearbooks.

Stay safe and healthy!

Best wishes,

Irena Šteblaj