An Update on the Resumption of School

Dear parents,

We have been preparing the procedures and facilities for the return of the Kindergarten and Grade 1 to grade 3 pupils on Monday, 18 May and grade 8 students on Monday, 25 May.

Today, we will get the final detailed instructions from the Ministry of Education. Tomorrow,  we will send you the adapted schedules for grades 1 to 3  for the period until the end of the school year. Grade 2 & 3 pupils will continue to do Slovenian online, as we are not allowed to regroup students in this period, so they will be able to continue with the programme in their phase group. Grade 1-3 pupils will also continue the Plenary programme online.

A meeting was held – a Pre Case conference (analyses of pupils’ work) with our teachers, who were very satisfied  with the online learning results. The main objective of the conference was to identify pupils at risk. I am very happy to report that for almost all of our students,  who will continue online learning, no additional assessments in school will be needed. Only a few pupils from grades 6 & 7 will need to come to school to finish their school work, in order to improve their grades.

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj

3M – Challenge of Inquiry

On Tuesday, 12th May, the 3M pupils had their challenge of Inquiry, which this year was carried out individually. Their theme was OPTICAL ILLUSIONS, and as the name suggests, they were asked to carry out several tasks relating to whether what we see is real or an illusion.

A Message about the Yearbooks

Dear parents,

Some pupils have not sent us their texts and photos for the yearbooks yet. If they do not do it by Thursday, 14 May, we will not be able to include them in the yearbooks.

Irena Šteblaj

Further Information Regarding the Return to School

Dear parents,

I would like to ask all parents of K1, K2 , grades 1,2,3, and 8 pupils to send us the confirmation forms notifying us whether their children will come to school on 18 /25 May, or whether, for various reasons, they cannot attend the programme in school. We will also need to know if your child needs to attend the Afternoon programme, so we can plan accordingly. We need the information today.

I will be able to send you more detailed information about the organisation and procedures when we have a confirmation of the number of pupils who will return to school.

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj



Kind regards,


Irena Šteblaj

Creation Myth

The following is a wonderful and magical creation myth written by a 7th year pupil during EAL Intermediate lessons.
Tina Frelih