A Further Update on the Return to School

Dear Parents,

Our pupils have fully immersed themselves into online learning again after one week of the May holidays. As we are approaching the end of the school year they should continue to complete their work regularly and should strive for excellence.

Grades 1 – 3 and grade 8 will do summative assessments in school, other years might be called to school to do some summative assessments, if necessary.
We will ask certain students, whose work is irregular or the standard of which needs raising, to come to school individually and finish particular projects and summative assessments.

Some activities planned for next week:

Service Project Collapsed day for grades 6 &7 on Monday, 11 May

Cultural Day for K1 & K2 on Thursday, 14 May

Reading Badges deadline extended to 1 June

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj

The Return of Certain Years to School Confirmed

Dear Parents,

The dates and years which will return to school in May were confirmed yesterday. It is now officially confirmed that on Monday, 18 May, the 1st group of students will return to school, these will be the Kindergarten and year 1, 2 & 3 pupils. Then, on Monday, 25 May, our grade 8 students will also return to school.

I will inform you about the specific procedures and safety measures which will be set in place as soon as we receive the definitive guidelines from the Ministry of Education. In any case, our priority will be the safety and well-being of our students.

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj

A Message with Reference to the Return to School

Dear parents,

At the present time you have many questions about which year groups will continue the school year online (according to the reports we have at the moment, these will be grades 4 – 7) and which will be able to come back to school (according to the current reports these will be the kindergarten, grades 1- 3  and grade 8 students). We are still awaiting confirmation and further instruction from the Ministry of Education.

In any case, for those who will be able to return to school the online learning process will finish. As we understand, parents will be able to keep their children at home, in such cases, the school will provide weekly guidelines for them and they will be assessed like the pupils who continue the programme in school.

This week we have started the process of writing reflections for the Yearbooks. This school year the Yearbooks will be slightly different, photographs will not be taken in school and we will produce the Yearbooks in electronic form only.

I would like to encourage the students to design some relevant art work for the front and chapter pages. Designs and ideas for page layouts (borders, frames, embellishments, ..) are welcome, too. The pupils should send them to me.

Remember the safety measures, the danger of coronavirus is still here.

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj

Welcome Back!

Dear parents,

I hope you and your children have had a pleasant break, recharged your batteries, and are eager to continue the school year.

We are starting the 7th week of online learning. It appears our pupils will continue for at least two more weeks at home, and then some years will return to school. Consequently, we are working on ensuring that sufficient safety procedures and conditions will be in place for the students who return to school. We will also start summative assessments and the compilation of report cards.

We have already organised individual supervision and help for all students who have had difficulty completing work and/or reaching the main (minimal) objectives of the programmes. Our teachers, homeroom teachers and I will be in touch with students and their parents in case there are any issues. Our main goal is to ensure the right conditions and scaffolding in order for all students to finish the school year successfully, and with good results.

Some activities this week:

Grades 8M & 8I: Science Day – Jesenkova pot, on Tuesday, 5 May

MYP (Grades 6 to 8): A collapsed day in collaboration with Matije Gubca International School Zagreb – Lahinja & Bela krajina: on Thursday, 7 May

K1 & K2: Sports Day – Hiking, on Thursday, 7 May

Take care!

Best wishes,

Irena Šteblaj