Online Learning

Dear parents,

You and your child/ren have received the instructions for online learning. Please support and encourage them to be actively and responsibly involved in the process of learning.
Please let me ( know if you or your child/ren have any problems.
You can contact all of our teachers by e-mail ( if you have any questions or concerns.
If you have problems understanding the English instructions use Google translate (, or for Russian (
As the students will spend a lot of time at computers, I recommend that you limit their screen time in their spare time. For young children the blue light from screens is very damaging for the eyes and brain (digital dementia) and it impairs sleep. The time of social isolation is an opportunity for family activities: cooking, baking and cleaning together, gardening, walks and sports activities in the countryside (but keep distance from other people). Children should play with toys, blocks, play social games, draw, colour, solve puzzles, crosswords, riddles, make handicrafts, read, keep diaries, dance, exercise and practice neat handwriting or calligraphy amongst other things.
The PYP students will not have Computer Skills lessons as they will do most of their work on computers anyway.
In case you or your child/ren are anxious, afraid or feel stressed by the current situation, please contact our councillor Ms Maja Majnik (
If you urgently need any documents, contact our secretary Ms Maya Fuerst (
Follow all preventive measures. Social isolation is especially important, so avoid any socialising and crowds.
Stay healthy and in good spirits.
Kind regards,
Irena Steblaj


Dear Parents,

For children whose parents both work in jobs which are important for state services in emergency situations (workers in health institutions, the army, police, public protection), emergency day care will be organised. Parents will have to provide certificates from their employers. The child/ren must be healthy and must not show any signs of infection.
If both parents meet the requirements, they can register their child/ren at at least 24 hours before they need day care.  With the application they must provide the certificates from their employers and indicate the hour of arrival and departure of the child/ren.
Mojca Mihelič MA


Dear parents,

On Monday we will contact you about, and start, with online learning. You or your children (according to their age) will get links to platforms and/or e-mails you will be able to communicate with.
Students will be given different learning tasks on a regular basis – everyday, according to their regular timetable.
All their work will be monitored and considered equal to their work at regular lessons.
Students should be responsible and do their work regularly.
The online learning students will do at home will be recognised in the same way as their presence and learning in school.
Those who do not finish the assignments will have to do extra lessons when regular lessons start again.
I would like to ask you to inform us if anybody from your family tests positive for coronavirus.
As yet, we have not had any reported cases in our school community. However, It is important that you follow all preventive measures at home, too.
We will keep you informed about all the latest developments.
I am very happy to report that our students have been very affectionate and supportive in the last few days, I also have to commend our dedicated teachers, who have been, and continue to be, very helpful and caring.
Kind regards,
Irena Steblaj


Dear parents,

You have probably already heard that all schools will be closed from Monday on for 14 days in Slovenia.
I recommend that you keep your children home tomorrow, too, although our staff will be in the school.
We have already started organising possibilities for online learning, so we hope we will be able to continue with our school year even if our facilities are closed.

Today we are organising many activities outside. Students are fine and in good spirits.

Please make sure that they spend a lot of time outside, sleep enough and have healthy nutrition in the coming weeks. Avoid crowds, shopping centres and restaurants/bars.

Keep safe and healthy!
Best wishes,

Irena Steblaj

Additional Measures

Dear parents,
I would like to inform you about new measures to prevent the spreading of coronavirus:

1. Students will be able to enter our school only through the main entrance.
2. Only Kindergarten parents will be able to take students to their classroom. Grade 1 students will be taken to their classroom by our teachers on duty.
3. We suggest that parents wait for their children outside and not in the closed waiting area.
4. All individual interviews are cancelled. We ask parents to contact teachers by e-mail.
5. We recommend that children do not socialise in their spare time.
6. Please do not send children with any signs of infection to school. If we notice any suspicious signs of illness we will send students home immediately.
7. We will not accept any visitors until the situation with coronavirus improves.

Kind regards,
Irena Šteblaj