MYP Cultural Day – Modern Tools for Language Learning

On Friday, 28th of February, the MYP students participated in variety of workshops in which they explored different modern methods for language learning, such as cooking with apps, mnemonic techniques, language apps and didactic games. The use of technology and games in the school environment can change the learning experience for the better because these tools offer students a fun-filled and relaxing learning atmosphere. The pupils finished their day with the reflection in the auditorium which was followed by a feast of delicious dishes prepared in the cooking workshop.
Ajda Žagar

4M Science Day

The 4M students ended their school week with a science day. They were able to choose among nine interesting experiments from static electricity to magnetism, and electrical circuits to sound waves. The pupils learnt a lot and enjoyed themselves greatly.
Aja Komel

PYP – Shrove Tuesday

On Tuesday, 24th February, PYP students organized shrove Tuesday activities during afternoon care. Kindergarten and 1M students celebrated together and presented their costumes to each other. The pupils from 2 – 5M also joined together, danced and played archery games.
Sonja Može

Anti Virus Measures

We would like to ask all parents to not send their children to the school with a cold, temperature or any other signs of infection.
Some measures have been introduced to prevent the spreading of any kind of viruses:
  • Our cleaners are disinfecting our facilities on a regular basis.
  • We air the classrooms, students have to wash their hands on a regular basis and sneeze into their upper sleeve.
  • Students spend main breaks and a lot of time during afternoon activities outside in school playgrounds.
  • Visitors and new students must provide certificates from Slovenian medical centres that they do not have any transmissible diseases, otherwise they cannot enter our school.
  • If students show any signs of illness (bad cold, temperature, sickness) they are sent home immediately.
  • We encourage our students to exercise, sleep a lot and have regular healthy meals to boost their immune systems.

Ms Irena Šteblaj