Art Exhibition at Pionirski dom

On Friday, 10th January, the students of the national and international department were invited to participate in art workshops at Pionirski dom, as their art works were selected for exhibition at the art festival “LikFest”.
Anja Podreka

5M Cultural Day – Museum of Modern Art

The 5M pupils visited the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana, where they had a workshop of ‘expressionist colours’ and a guided tour around the temporary collection of Impressionism and Expressionist works of art.
Anja Podreka

Old People’s Home Visit

We were invited to the Home for the Elderly in Bežigrad, on 12th December 2019, to help decorate Christmas trees with residents of the home.
We spent a really nice time together and we are looking forward to seeing them again in January.
Maja Majnik