Extra Art Team Pupils at Kongresni trg

The students of the extra art team were invited to visit the Lampion exhibition. The mayor made a short greeting for all students who participated in the making of a Lampion at Kongresni trg in Ljubljana city centre.
They all received chocolate, sweets and warm tea.
Anja Podreka

4M Cultural Day

On Tuesday, December 17th 4M students had a cultural day. They deepened their understanding of multilingualism, expressive reading, and emotions. In a variety of activities, the pupils were able to brainstorm the pros and cons of being part of the multilingual classroom, read texts from different countries and recognise why non-verbal communication is extremely important when sharing any kind of information.
Aja Komel

PYP Christmas Play

On Monday the 16th of December, the PTA organised a Christmas play for the PYP pupils. A girl wanted so much to be an elf for Santa and help him with delivering presents, but her mean brother said she couldn’t be one, however, with the help of the assembled audience the sister prevailed, while the brother also became an elf, and then, to everyone’s surprise, and with the help of the new elves, Santa Claus himself came to deliver presents to all the PYP, and everyone was happy!