Visiting an Elderly People’s Home 

We were invited to the Home for the Elderly in Bežigrad on Wednesday, 13th November 2019, to celebrate St. Martin’s Day with the residents of the home.
We were singing and had a nice time together.
We are looking forward to meeting them again in December.
Ms Maja Majnik and Ms Marija Breceljnik


Mr and Mrs Škorjanc kindly agreed to organise our K1 & K2 students a visit to their dental practice to inquire into healthy dental routines and into the dentist’s job. We will visit them on Monday, 25th November, at 11:40a.m. We kindly ask parents to bring their child’s toothbrush and toothpaste so they can brush their teeth after breakfast. We will have lunch a little bit later that day.
Marija Rus


MYP EVALUATION VISIT – 13 – 15 November 2019

Every five years all IB programmes are evaluated according to the IB standards and practices. After the last evaluation five years ago, our Middle Years Programme (grades 6 – 8) will be evaluated by two representatives from the International Baccalaureate Organisation this week, from 13 to 15 November. Prior to the visit the evaluators have already started checking our curricular documents, policies and other documentation. During their visit they will check our facilities, observe lessons and have meetings with teachers, students, school administrators, the MYP PTA representatives and school board members.
Irena Šteblaj

Year 7 Cultural day – Walking Theatre

The students of 7m and 7i participated in a walking performance in Ljubljana at “Spica”, Prule. The walk, with the title “YOUwalk”, showed them a new way of theatre. They got to know particularly about the site-specific theatre and so called “breaking the 4th wall”.
Anja Podreka