Cooking with herbs

The surrounding blooming nature offers a lot of different herbs at this time of the year. We checked our school garden and found many to put into egg omelettes and made some lovely refreshing mint tea.

1M – Green Fingers

Part of the current unit of 1m students is taking care of plants and showing some action and responsibility for them. So far, we are helping take care of part of the vegetable and herb garden on our green playground. Last week students also put some effort into a flower garden next to our school building. We want to thank MYP students for removing the old plants and weeds and doing what was too complicated for us, so we could plant some flowers. We like to show our green fingers and are happy with the results of our hard work.



World Bee Day – 20 May

Did you know that the Slovene Beekeeping Association started World Bee Day?  And did you know that we have a beehive at our school?
Bees are the most important pollinators on our planet; without them, we would all starve in some time.
So, we also take care of bees at our school; we plant flowers and plants all around the school.
Ms Maja and Ms Katarina

MYP – Science Day – Koper

On Wednesday, 18 May, all the MYP students visited the Port of Koper and the Škocjanska gulf nature reserve. At the Port of Koper, we learned how the port functions and how vital sea trade is for local and international business. At the Škocjanska gulf, students were able to go for a short hike with a guide, observing the natural wildlife and learning about the importance of preserving fragile natural habitats.
Mr Simon Zoretič Gajser

K1 & 2 – Cycling Day

We had an amazing day on Wednesday, 18 May. We spent the whole morning on our bicycles and scooters. The teachers prepared a fun and challenging obstacle course for us, where we tested our handling abilities. In the end, all of us got diplomas for being great cyclists 🙂