2M Drama & Art Presentation
On Friday, 16th February, the 2M students welcomed their parents to a performance of their group drama plays, and also a showing of their artwork. The Parents were enthralled and captivated by the plays, in which students presented the theme of friendship and art. Following the drama performances, parents had the opportunity to, not only see their own children’s artwork, but that of their classmates as well, in a gallery walk around the classroom. Much fun was had on this social occasion to celebrate 2M students’ achievements. (more…)
Guest Speaker – 3M
On Thursday, 15 Febraury, we had a guest speaker in grade 3. Mrs Van Baaren introduced her work, and discussed design and the environment with students. We all enjoyed her visit very much. Thank you.
Teja Klavs
6M Winter Field Trip – Kope, Day 4
On the last day we enjoyed the sunny skiing slopes. After lunch the students were divided in groups again and had a lot of fun on the snow. After dinner we had one more crazy dance party. Kope will stay in our hearts! See you tomorrow in Ljubljana.
Denis Divjak (more…)
4M Science day – Sound
On Thursday, February 15th, grade 4 had a science day. It was connected to our unit about Energy. We conducted different sound experiments and tried our best to prove that sound is a type of energy made by vibrations, and that sound travels differently through a solid object than through gas or water. Students learnt a lot and had a lot of fun.
Grade 4 students, Ms Andreja Šmigoc & Ms Klavdija Čuk