6M Slovenian breakfast

Students of 6m celebrated the Traditional Slovenian Breakfast on Friday, November 20th.  Here are some photos of the breakfasts they prepared at home.
Anja Podreka

1M Traditional Slovenian Breakfast

​During our morning meeting on Teams, students mentioned that November 20th, is dedicated to the Traditional Slovenian Breakfast, and this is its 10th year. In honour, some of the students and teachers, prepared their breakfast comprising of delicious bread, butter and local honey, just as if they were in school. As part of their visual art, they created some art pieces representing the hardworking bees.
Klavdija Čuk


8I Film review

As part of their unit on Shakespeare, 8I students watched the film, Romeo and Juliet. After watching, they wrote a film review. If you are interested in seeing the film, perhaps these would be worth reading.
Tina Frelih

“Franček in razbiti globus”

​This week during Slovene lessons, 4m and 5m students were watching the story about Franček in razbiti globus. You can see they have created some delightful summaries of the story. The students reported that they enjoyed the lesson a lot.
Tina Frelih