Possibility of a warm meal during online schooling

Dear students, respected parents,

The prolonged holidays are ending on Monday, 9th October 2020 and we will continue the school programmes online according to the instructions of your teachers.

Possibility of a warm meal during online schooling: The Ministry of Education sent a memo regarding free warm meals for students in times of harsh epidemiological circumstances. Students eligible for a free warm meal – lunch are the ones who have subsidised school meals and students in foster families.

Students must apply for the meals, by which students/legal guardians agree that their data is used to organise the preparation and manner of delivery of the warm meal. Apply via the online form (unfortunately it is in Slovene) by Monday till 12:00: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0h1F_nK_P9gsa8Nf750LFBu3ggywwQxM1E2Y8T3gzoZlX7A/viewform

Students or their legal guardians will be able to pick up the meals at our school or another school, which will be announced later together with the time of the pick-up and other information. In case you have any questions, address them to: prehrana@os-danilekumar.si .

Please adhere to all safety and health measures in the hopes of returning to school as soon as possible.

Let’s be responsible and stay healthy!

Mojca Mihelič, headmistress


PYP – Online Learning

Dear students and parents,

According to last spring’s experience of online learning and teaching, feedback from students and some parents and some recommendations of the Ministry of Education, the PYP teachers agreed on the following format of online learning:

  • On Monday at 8:20, students (parents) will receive the instructions for the whole week’s work.
  • Every day, students and homeroom teachers will meet via Teams at the specified hour:

Kindergarten:  10:15 – 11:00
1m:  8:30 – 9:15
2m:  9:15 – 10:00
3m:  9:15 – 10:00
4m:  9:15 – 10:00
5m:  8:30 – 9:15

  • If students need additional help or advice from other PYP teachers, they are available via Teams.
  • Students can send their completed work via Seesaw during the week, but all the work has to be sent via Seesaw by Friday at 12:00.

The objectives of this week’s online learning are for students to:

  • Become more independent,
  • Meet daily with the homeroom teacher,
  • Organize time efficiently,
  • Hand in the completed work on time,
  • Get familiar with two learner profile attributes,
  • Practice certain ATL skills,
  • Practice math skills in Seesaw (instructions during the Teams time),
  • Reading for pleasure (English Reading Badge),
  • Reflect on their work.

The Ministry of Education currently predicts that online learning will last two weeks. As soon as we find out any further information, we will let you know.

Students, be sure to read the instructions carefully because we do not want you to do more work than needed.

Your PYP teachers


Halloween in 1M

Halloween was also celebrated in 1M on Thursday, October 22, during the afternoon programme.  The children were read a scary story, and afterwards, they enjoyed some papercraft activities. At the end of the event, they all received a bag of surprise treats!