Kindergarten Field Trip – Day Two

Today was the day for exploring our farm’s neighbourhood. We took a longer walk through the forest where we were observed slugs, snails and a lot of other little creatures. Our final destination was a homestead where we had a delicious snack. There we saw a dog, very cute bunny rabbits, parrots, fish and some beehives. In the afternoon we made a fire and roasted sausages on sticks. Before dinner we had a lot of time to play outside. We had fun jumping on a trampoline, playing football and swinging on the swings. We also painted on white T-shirts, which we will all proudly wear. In the evening we played table games and tried to sew buttons on a piece of cloth.

Kindergarten Students

Kindergarten Field Trip – Day One

Our first day on the farm was very exciting. We saw bulls and stroked some very cute bunny rabbits. Event hough the weather was not so nice, we spent most of the day outside, playing football, swinging on the swings, playing in the puddles and running. After lunch we made cookies. We tasted them at our pyjama party in the evening and they were delicious. We love the house we are staying in, especially our rooms, where we jump on the beds and have pillow fights until Mr Alen and Ms Sonja see us.

Kindergarten Students

5M Cultural Day – Animation Workshop

The students of 5m visited an animation workshop at Kinoteka. They were introduced to many types of movie tracks and reels as well as taking part in a workshop introducing ‘drawn animation’. The pupils enjoyed drawing and scratching film tracks and making simple movements with their motifs, which they will see at the end of June, on the screen at Kinoteka’s cinema hall. 

Anja Podreka 

MYP Sports Day – Bit Center & Squashland

The MYP Students experienced some indoor sports Yesterday. MYP 1 and 2 went to the BIT Center and tested themselves by playing badminton and floorball, and trying dance and a bit of climbing. MYP 3 were close by in Squashland, where they enjoyed squash and a hybrid game of squash volleyball, as well as trying out some fitness training.

Mitja Uršič

1M Science Day – Exploring Plants and Gardening

On Monday, 15 May, grade 1 students had an amazing day filled with plant experiments, researching the parts of plants and their roles, and planting flowers and vegetables in the school’s garden. The students eagerly engaged in various experiments, planting seeds and observing their growth. They also learned about different plant parts and their importance through research and hands-on exploration. The highlight of the day was when they got to plant their own flowers and vegetables in the school garden, working together with joy and enthusiasm.

Klavdija Čuk