A Message for Easter

Dear parents,

We have a long weekend in front of us, as Monday, 13 April is Easter Monday, a national holiday in Slovenia.

For many people around the world, the christian holiday of Easter will look very different this year. There will be no church gatherings, no community egg hunts, and no celebratory meals with extended family and friends.

However, many Easter celebrations will still be taking place – just a little differently. Children will be drawing pictures of Easter eggs, baby chicks, lambs and bunnies.  Families will organise their own celebrations and egg hunts. You can also make some new traditions for your family this year.

If you celebrate Easter, I hope you have a festive and happy one!

Kind regards,
Irena Šteblaj

PS: Click here for an idea for painting Easter Eggs.

5 & 6M Science Day – Krapina Neanderthal Museum

On the 3rd and 8th of April the students from Grade 5 and Grade 6 went on a Virtual Field Trip to Krapina, Croatia.

The pupils found out facts and interesting information about the region around Krapina, visited the Virtual Krapina Neanderthal Museum and watched a film about Neanderthals in Europe.

It seems they had a nice day. Here are some comments from the students:

6M Puppetry

The 6m students have made puppets for their characters based on scripts written in school. We will organise an alternative puppet show online soon! Necessity is the mother of invention, as they say. The puppets have come out looking great! Well done.
Ms Mateja Kores

Ideas for Viewing

Dear Parents,

I am attaching a link to a very interesting video here. Please watch it. It is not long and gives you some very useful tips for online learning:

Tips for online learning – parents and teachers

An idea for this evening: A live broadcast with our former student, Sara Isaković, the winner of a Silver Olympic Medal for swimming, in Beijing, today, Thursday, 9 April, at 18.00 on FB strani projekta Bodi dober, bodi kul! She will talk about her life in isolation. The interview will be in Slovenian.

Take care!

Kind regards,

Irena Šteblaj

4M Cultural Day – Religion

On Tuesday, April 7th, the 4m students had a Cultural day dedicated to religion. The pupils conducted research on the main religions in the world today, visited virtual tours of places of worship, and produced art pertaining to religion. The students carried out their tasks seriously with vigour, producing some interesting findings and creating some really detailed, aesthetic work.
Simon Zoretič Gajser